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Published Date: March 20, 2019
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Mobius ICM User Guide

Work Queues

13.3 Work Queue - Assign Task From


Staff managing the assignment of Individual/Family to a Case Manager in a Prototype site needs to monitor the Work Queues frequently. There is a requirement that an Individual/Family must be contacted within 2 business days to set up a Case Management appointment.


Anchor Point: My Work Queues from Work Queues section of Shortcuts Menu

  1. Select My Work Queues
  2. Select View Tasks from the line action menu of the required Work item 
  3. A list of tasks opens

    Note: There are 2 options from here that will reflect the variance between sites.

    Method 1-Use current Site Process for Assigning to Holistic Assessment
  4. Assign according to internal site procedure (email, schedule etc.)
  5. Once the task has been assigned via internal site procedure (NOT assigning to CM through tasks in Mobius-Method 2 below), the task needs to be removed from the work queue (be sure to use the drop down arrow and select ‘case home page’ to make sure you have the correct task). 
  6. Select the action menu at the end of the line for the task you need to close 
  7. Select  ‘Add to my Tasks’ (a comment is not needed)

  8. Select ‘save’. The task will disappear from the work queue. 
  9. Select ‘my tasks’ in the shortcut menu in your ‘inbox’
  10. Select the drop down arrow beside the task and select ‘case home page’ to make sure you have the correct task
  11. Select the line action menu 
  12. Select ‘close’ from the line action menu. You will get a validation message asking if you are sure you want to close the task; select yes

  13. The task will disappear from the task list on the CCISD case once the task is closed

    Method 2-Assign the Task from Work Queue to Case Manager
  14. Select the blue hyperlink for the task from the work queue that you need to assign (be sure to use the drop down arrow and select ‘case home page’ to make sure you have the correct task)

  15. Select the Page Action menu
  16. Select Forward and a model opens

  17. Under Forward To, select User 
  18. Search the User you are assigning the Task to
  19. Under Comments, enter ‘Requires Appointment to complete HA’ 
  20. Select Save

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