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Published Date: March 20, 2019
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Mobius ICM User Guide

Work Queues

13.1 Work Queue - Create Tasks in CCISD Case


As part of the ‘Access to Case Management’ project, we need the ability to refer Individual/Families to a Case Manager in the Prototype sites. We will be using tasks in CCISD Case to assign the Individual/Family to a site queue for assignment to a case manager caseload.


Anchor Point: CCISD Case

  1. From the CCISD Case, select the Tasks tab
  2. Select New and a modal opens

  3. Enter the Subject ‘Case Manager Required’
  4. Select Case Participant 
  5. Select Deadline for 2 business days and approximate time of day the task was entered
  6. Select Assign To ‘Work Queue’
  7. Select magnifying glass to select site queue:
    1. Alberta Supports Case Management-Calgary Prototype
    2. Alberta Supports Case Management-Central Prototype
    3. Alberta Supports Case Management-Edmonton Prototype
  8. Select Save
  9. The task will go to the site queue and they will contact the Individual/Family to set up Case Management appointment within 48 hours
  10. The task will appear in the task list under the Tasks tab. When the appointment has been set up and the task closed, the task will be removed from the task list

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