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Published Date: March 11, 2019
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Mobius ICM User Guide

Team Collaboration

7.5 Create Meeting Invitation


Collaboration is an important part of being person centered. All the supports involved in an Individual’s life create a network that plays a part in supporting the Individual. As such meetings (Multi-Disciplinary Team-MDT) are often needed to discuss the support of a common individual. These MDT meetings need to be recorded in the file of the Individual. Meeting Notes are to record ‘meeting’ minutes from a MDT conversation. It can also be used as a discussion board for multiple Mobius users to discuss a topic (like a discussion board)

Do not put Individual/Family names in subject lines of notifications/meetings/emails


Anchor Point: Admin tab of the Common Outcome Plan

  1. Select Admin tab
  2. Select Meetings on the left hand menu
  3. Select New Meeting

    Note: Meeting invitation functionality is very basic and does not show in Mobius whether a member accepted the invitation. You will have to go to ‘scheduling assistant’ in Outlook to see who accepted. Best practice is you discuss a meeting with the members before a meeting is scheduled

  4. A modal opens
  5. Complete the following fields:
    1. Subject line
    2. Location
    3. Date and time of meeting
    4. Any further notes
    5. Participants of meeting including Individual and Collaboration Team members
  6. Select Save

  7. A meeting invitation is sent to all selected participants to respond with ‘accept’, ‘tentative’, or ‘decline’

    Note: The sender of the meeting must also accept the meeting invitation when it comes to their Outlook Calendar.

Related Information

User Guide:


  • 6.0 How to Work with a Support Network
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