Child Care Lookup

Parents can find information about licensed child care programs and family day home agencies with the Child Care Lookup tool. This tool provides information about the location, ages of children served, number of children that can be served in the program, the program’s status and recent inspection results.

The Lookup tool is not available for private child care arrangements, and parents interested in programs offered through the Ministry of Education (such as pre-kindergarten or junior kindergarten), should contact their local school board or ECS operator for more information about available programming and how to register or enroll.

If you are looking for child care, you can search for a program near you by entering your city and/or postal code, age group and program type. For a list of program types and age groups please see below for definitions.

If you already know the name of the program, enter the name and city of the program. If you are looking for a program and only know part of its name, you can enter at least 3 characters in the program name bar as part of your search.

Enter in as much or as little information as you have and submit your search. Every program for the criteria you have entered will be listed and will include the facility name, full address with postal code, phone number, capacity, accreditation status and previous inspections.

List of child care programs ordered to close

See the disclaimer and a glossary of terms used within this tool.

Type of program (select all that apply):
Licensed child care program providing care to infants, preschool children, and kindergarten children for four or more consecutive hours in each day the program is provided. Daycares may serve children from birth to kindergarten.
Approved program where Children's Services has entered into an agreement with a family day home agency to coordinate and monitor the provision of child care in the private residence of one or more program educators. Family day home programs do not provide care for more than six children in each private residence. Family day homes may serve children from ages 0-12.
Licensed child care program providing care to kindergarten and school-aged children in any or all of the following periods: before-and-after school, during the lunch hour, or when school is closed. Out-of-school care programs may serve children from kindergarten until before they are 13 years of age, or a child of 13 or 14 years of age who requires care because of a special need.
Licensed child care program providing care to preschool children and kindergarten children for four or less hours per child in each day that the program is provided. Preschools may serve children who are at least 19 months old to kindergarten.
Licensed child care program providing care in the private residence of the licence holder to infants, preschool children, kindergarten children, and school-aged children. Group family child care providers may serve children from ages 0-12
Age group (select all that apply):