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Published Date: January 10, 2014
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Eligibility Determination and Benefits Calculation

Additional Time to Complete a Program/Session

E18.1. Additional Time to Complete a Program/Session - No Cost Implications


The following describes the process for additional time to complete a program session when there are no cost implications.


Due to unforeseen circumstances, the learner is not able to complete the program session by the end date. The additional time for the learner to complete the program session will not extend into the month following the original program session end date, so the learner will not require additional income support.

Service Manager/Authorized Official has determined that a program extension is appropriate.

Service Manager/Authorized Official

Add Plan Item “Approve Lack of Progress” and enters Outcome Attained”.

At the Service Plan Home Page, in Notes, enter the rationale for recommending this learner for additional time to complete his or her program session.

For an Employment Insurance (EI) learner with an active claim, enter a new EI verification screen for the period of the extension copying all previous information from the following clusters: Details, Claim Reason Type and Active Claim Information. In the Training Program Information cluster enter the new dates in addition to the copied fields and enter a comment on the screen to indicate this has been done to accommodate an extension.