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Published Date: June 02, 2016
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Eligibility Determination and Benefits Calculation


E03. Part-Time Skills Investment Bursary Applications



LISO receives an application and the Training Provider Information form or an individual takes the Training Provider Information form to an Authorized Official. 

Authorized Official
  • If applicable, completes a Service Needs Determination assessment
  • Ensures a completed application and Training Provider Information form is submitted to LISO for processing if applicable

LISO or Authorized Official

  • Searches for registration.
  • If required, registers the individual and enters the education information.
  • Update/ creates an Integrated case and/or Service Plan with the Determine RWA plan item, the applicable program stream plan item and the referral to training. 
  • In addition, the following evidence is created/applied:
  • Household Member Evidence 
  • Client Funding Type Evidence
  • Training Benefit Evidence
  • Training Benefit Cost Adjustment Evidence, if appropriate.


If applicable:

  • If there is no Plan Item “RWA” or Outcome “Not Attained” sends correspondence MS Word Blank Template advising that a recommendation by an HS Authorized Official is required before application can be processed.
  • If there is a program referral and the status is pending, holds for 7 calendar days and checks system for status change or follow up task.


  • If there is a program referral, but status is waitlisted, holds until notification is received that referral status has changed.
  • Validates banking information if applicable.
  • Creates/applies remainder of Evidence.
  • Manually determines if documentation is missing that would result in a rejection due to failure of eligibility rules.
  • If yes manually generates Request for Information (RFI) correspondence.
  • BFs in 60 days to follow up.
  • If requested information is received within 60 days modifies evidence and applies.
  • If there is no missing documentation that would result in a rejection, or if no response to RFI within 60 days, creates/activates Learner Eligibility Determination Case.


  • Runs eligibility rules.


  • If an eligibility rule(s) fails, determine if RFI should be sent.
  • If requested information is received within 60 days modifies and applies evidence, and manually generates Funding Decision (FD) letter.

Business Rules/Criteria/Standards

Authorized Officials can only create/apply the following types of evidence:

  • Household Member 
  • Client Funding Type 
  • Training Benefit 
  • Training Benefit Cost Adjustment

    Household Member and Client Funding Type Evidence have to be applied before Training Benefit Evidence can be created/applied.

    When you “apply” evidence, its status becomes “activated”.

    The start date of evidence can be the training start date except for Household Member Evidence which has to have a start date that is prior to the training start date. The end date should be left blank. Start/end dates for most other evidence should match the training start/end dates. Exceptions are Core Shelter, Immigration Details and Aboriginal Status end date can be left blank.