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Business Processes

Published Date: April 02, 2013
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Programs and Services

Approval Suspensions/Terminations

P07. Community and Social Services Approval Termination

Terminations may be the result of non-compliance or school closure or Provider has decided not to offer the program/course/ session. The purpose of the termination is to permanently end the Product Provider’s ability to provide training. The first step is to stop the ability to make further referrals. Sessions can be deleted, or if there are active referrals, the seat number is modified as with Suspensions. The second step is to notify the Learner Income Support Office (LISO) to stop further processing of funding applications. Then, a transition plan has to be developed if there are active referrals. The referrals have to be cancelled/withdrawn and possibly re-referred to an approved program/course/session. Once there are no longer active referrals, the programs/courses/sessions can be inactivated or deleted, and finally the Provider Registration can be ended.


The following outlines the process to permanently stop referrals and funding processing when a Community and Social Services Approval Termination has been issued.


Provider is registered in Mobius. Programs/courses have been approved by Community and Social Services and are in Mobius.

Delivery Partnership Unit (DPU), in consultation with Delivery – Contract Services Coordinator (CSC), executes a Termination.

Employment and Financial Supports Division – Program Planners, Delivery Partnerships Unit

Notifies Mobius Support and Learner Income Support Office (LISO) via email to EI-DS CDS-LISO to stop further referrals and the processing of funding applications and cc’s Mobius Support.

Employment and Financial Supports Division, Mobius Support Staff

If there are no referrals, modify session seat number to “0” or delete the appropriate sessions.

If there are active referrals, modify seat number* to current number of referrals.

Employment and Financial Supports Division – Contract Services Coordinator

Amends agreement/contract.

Determines transition plans if there are referrals.

Notifies Service Plan Owner(s) to amend Service Plan(s). (If appropriate, such as in the case of a school closure, reassigns referrals to a new Service Manager.)

Employment and Financial Supports Division, Front End Users – Service Management/External Providers, Front End Users, Service Management

If Training Benefit Evidence has been entered, sends task to LISO Learner Benefit Coordinator work queue to enter withdrawal information. It is important that this step is completed prior to modifying the Plan Item.

Amends Service Plan as appropriate including cancelling (if program has not started) or entering end date and good cause outcome (if program has started) on appropriate Plan Item(s).

If appropriate add new training plan item(s) with referral and enters new evidence or refers to new Provider/Service Manager.

Notifies CSC of completion.

Employment and Financial Supports Division – Contract Services Coordinator

Once there are no longer active referrals, notifies Mobius Support Office via an electronic ‘Request New or Amendment to Product Provider, Programs and Services Catalogue’ (RNAPP) form to update Mobius (e.g. end/delete program, courses, services, sessions end Product Provider Registration.)

Employment and Financial Supports Division, Mobius Support Staff

If the information is inaccurate or there are active referrals, refers back to originator.

If form contains all required information and there are no active referrals, updates Mobius as per CSC instructions.

Notifies CSC of completion via email.

*If session start date has passed, Mobius Support makes modifications (e.g. Mobius Supports edits the number of seats so that no new referrals can be made).

Business Rules/Criteria/Standards

If there are active referrals, the CSC will determine the transition plan. Once there are no longer active referrals, the CSC instructs Mobius Support on how to update Mobius (e.g. modify/delete Product Provider registration, program(s)/course(s)/ session(s), etc.).

Product Provider registration should only be ended for terminations, not suspensions.

Before a Product Provider registration can be ended, it is necessary to:

  1. Delete all active sessions.
  2. End/delete all active programs/courses/ services.

In order to stop/suspend further referrals from being made, the session seat number has to be modified to reflect the current number of referrals (that way, the session is considered full).