» Income and Employment Supports Policy Manual

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Expected to Work/Barriers to Full Employment Policy & Procedures

Published Date: June 08, 2022
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03 Client Categories/Types

Barriers to Full Employment (BFE)

Client Sub-Type 45 Employed Full-Time


These BFE clients (excluding Client Sub-Type 43 Severe Handicap) are working 40 hours per week, or full-time employment as defined by the employer, but not working less than 30 hours per week. If the client’s employment in the competitive labour force is intermittent because of their health problems, or if their employment is in a sheltered employment program, the client remains in this BFE sub-type.

If the client has sustained full-time employment in the competitive labour market for more than six months, a review or completion of an assessment must be completed by a CEC to determine if they should be re-categorized as Expected To Work.

In addition to the expectations for all BFE clients, clients employed full-time are also required to:

  • Maintain current employment if at all possible.
  • Maximize employment opportunities if reasonable (increase hours, seek additional or alternative work) which would lead to increased self-sufficiency.
  • Attend employment workshops provided by department staff as required.


  • Proof of earnings
  • An assessment completed when the multiple barrier was assessed or after 6 months of being assigned sub-type 45.
  • In addition, in the case of a person with a persistent mental or physical health problem with an expected duration of more than six months, a(n):