» Income and Employment Supports Policy Manual

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Expected to Work/Barriers to Full Employment Policy & Procedures

Published Date: April 30, 2008
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15 Administrative Procedures

File Transfers

Closed and Pending Files on LISA

Requesting Alberta Works Centre

All Clients
  1. When the applicant is ready to meet with a CEC, check CCD and complete EMP 2353 Central Client Directory (CCD) Search and Transfer Record Part 1
  2. Advise applicant of the office application process
  3. Phone Records Room at sending office to request the electronic LISA file (not the paper file) (CD-AS)
  4. Record information on EMP 2353 Part 2 and forward to CEC
  5. Review the EMP 2353 (CEC)
  6. Meet with the applicant and determine eligibility (CEC)
  7. Enter all required information into Eligibility Determination function 1 (CEC)
Ineligible Clients
  1. Print E.D. Information (Call Sheet) from Eligibility Determination function 1 (CEC)
  2. For closed files, complete EMP 2353 Part 3 by checking and signing “Request TRANSFER BACK”. Forward the EMP 2353 and all documents to Records Room (CEC)
    For pending files, complete EMP 2353 Part 3 by checking and signing No Action Required (CEC).
  3. For closed files – phone the Records Room at the sending office to advise them an electronic LISA file and accompanying documents are being sent (RR-AS)
    • Return the electronic LISA file by using Transfer Client function 14 (RR-AS)
    • Record information on EMP 2353 Part 3 (RR-AS)
    • Forward all documents to the sending office
  4. For pending files, file all documents on a shannon file or similar type folder (AS)
Eligible Clients If a file is closed enter information on Reopen Client function 4 (CEC) If a file is pending enter information on Add Client function 3 (CEC). For both closed and pending files complete all necessary documents (CEC) If a file was closed less than 2 years:
  1. Complete EMP 2353 Part 3 by checking and signing “Request CLOSED PAPER file” (CEC)
  2. Forward EMP 2353 to AS staff responsible for sending An email to the office requesting a paper file (CEC)
  3. Forward documents to records room (CEC)
  4. Email the a request for the paper file, record the information on EMP 2353 Part 3 and forward to Records Room (AS)
  5. File EMP 2353 in an “Awaiting Paper File” folder (RR-AS)
  6. Enters a Task in Mobius for 6 working days. Email the sending (owning) office if no paper file is received (RR-AS)
  7. Record receipt of paper file in the log book (e.g., client’s name, file number, sending office code, date) (RR-AS)
  8. File EMP 2195 File Transfer Memo with most recent memo on top (RR-AS)
  9. Forward to assigned SFSC (RR-AS)
  10. Forward documents for file creation (CEC)
If a file was closed more than 2 years, or file status was pending:
  1. Complete EMP 2353 Part 3 by checking and signing “No Action Required” (CEC)
  2. Forward documents for file creation (CEC)