» Income and Employment Supports Policy Manual

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Expected to Work/Barriers to Full Employment Policy & Procedures

Published Date: March 04, 2016
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14 Overpayment, Debt and Recovery

Client Registered with Maintenance Enforcement Program (MEP)


For overpayments where MEP involvement exists, the amount of the overpayment must reflect the amount of child or adult support being paid or owed to the Crown.

A file closure reason “Order/Agreement-MEP-Crown/Special Handle” in Mobius Notes indicates a child and/or adult support order or agreement has been registered with MEP and the money is directed to the Crown. When an overpayment occurs, Community and Social Services must obtain further information from MEP to determine the monthly amount registered with MEP. The Recoveries System uses this information to automatically calculate the Maximum Amount Recoverable.

Mobius Note may be entered on a closed file for a period the Income Support file was open. This information must be entered in the Recoveries System as it may impact an existing or future recovery.


When an overpayment occurs, and MEP involvement exists, the worker:

  1. Views Internal Comments on the Recoveries System, and/or reviews Mobius Notes for a file closure reason identifying that an Order/Agreement has been registered with MEP.


  2. If the Internal Comments indicates there is a MEP agreement in place with a file closure reason “Order/Agreement-MEP-Crown/Special Handle” exists for the client, the following is required to get information from MEP:


    • Client, dependent, and respondent names as listed in Mobius Notes
    • MEP account number (if available) 
    • Client’s birth date
    • File number
    • Period of the overpayment
    • Date of request


  3. The worker requests confirmation of each monthly amount being paid or owing to the Crown from MEP by either:

    Option 1


    • Sending a request (containing the information in Step 2) to the assigned contact staff from their region to obtain information from the Maintenance Information Management System (MIMS). The regional contact person will provide a screen print from MIMS with a copy of the original request indicating the monthly amounts being paid or owing to the Crown, or

    Option 2


    • Sending an e-mail with the subject line stating Community and Social Services Assistance Overpayment – MEP Information Request to the MEP administrator at requesting the required information. The worker must provide the contact person with their full name, job title and e-mail address (in addition to the information in Step 2).

      MEP normally sends a response within 15 working days.


  4. The worker reviews the MEP information received.


  5. If no previous overpayment or debt exists in the Recoveries System:


    • Enters the overpayment,
    • Enters the details of the Crown claim through the 3rd Party Collectors tab, and
    • Adjusts the overpayment just entered by reloading the Pay History (to bring in the amount of 3rd Party collector).


  6. If an overpayment or debt already exists on the Recoveries System:


    • Enters the amount of the claim being directed to the Crown through the 3rd Party Collectors tab,
    • Edits the debt by reloading the Pay History (to bring in the amount in the 3rd Party collector),
    • Enters an Internal Comment indicating that the debt has been adjusted to account for the support being directed to the Crown


  7. Ensures the appropriate notification is mailed to the client, and


  8. Ensures a copy of the MEP screen print(s) or email and the notification, including comments are filed on Section 1 of the client’s file.

When a Mobius Note is received indicating there is an order/agreement with payments being directed to the Crown, and there is no overpayment or debt entered on the Recoveries System, the worker:

  1. Enters the following under the Internal Comments in the Recoveries System:


    • Subject: MEP Involvement.
    • Comments: Funds directed to the Crown (include the amount being paid or owing, if available).

    Prior to October 25, 2015, CSS communicated this information to the SFSC on a CSS 2446 Child Support Services Status form.