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Published Date: April 02, 2013
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Programs and Services

Product Provider

P03. Modify (end) a Product Provider Registration - Duplicate Entry


If there is a duplicate entry, the duplicate has to be ended. This process outlines how to modify a Product Provider when there is a duplicate entry.


Provider is registered more than once in Mobius.

Duplicate Entry is detected.

Employment and Financial Supports – Contract Services Coordinator (CSC)

Determines which record to modify (end).

If there are referrals that will be affected by the modification, notifies Plan Item Owner to amend Service Plan*.

Employment and Financial Supports, Front End Users – Service Management/External Providers, Front End Users, Service Management

Cancels Plan Item(s) and enters new Plan Item(s) with appropriate referral.

Notifies CSC on completion.

Employment and Financial Supports – Contract Services Coordinator

If there are no referrals that will be affected by the deletion, notifies Mobius Support via an electronic Request New or Amendment to Product Provider, Programs and Services Catalogue (RNAPP) form to delete duplicate record.

Employment and Financial Supports, Mobius Support Staff

If duplicate record information is not accurate or if there are active referrals, refers back to originator.

If duplicate record information is accurate and there are no referrals, deletes any active sessions on the duplicate record.

Deletes/ends appropriate programs/course/services on the duplicate record.

Modifies (ends) duplicate Provider Registration

Notifies originator of completion via email.


Changes status to Closed.

*If training hasn’t started and payments have not been made, cancel referral and add new plan items with accurate referrals. If training has started and payments have been made, it may be more appropriate to allow the learners to finish their training under the under the current Provider Registration, but ensure no further referrals can be made. Each situation is unique and should be considered individually.

Business Rules/Criteria/Standards

Registrations cannot be “deleted”, but can be inactivated by entering an end date.

The duplicate Registration cannot be ended if there are active programs, courses, services or sessions. These must be ended/deleted first, starting with sessions.

Programs, Courses and Sessions cannot be ended/deleted if there are active referrals.

If start date has passed, program, courses, services or sessions should be ended, otherwise they can be deleted.