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Business Processes

Published Date: April 02, 2013
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Programs and Services

Product Provider

P02. Modify a Product Provider - Error or Minor Change in Information


The business process for modifying a Product Provider can vary depending on the reason for the modification. The following process outlines the steps to make a modification to the Product Provider when there has been an error in the initial entry of the information or if there are minor changes to the information, such as a change in contact.


Product Provider is registered in Mobius.

An error has been detected in the Provider Registration.

Employment and Financial Support – Contract Services Coordinator

Notifies Mobius Support via an electronic “Requesting New or Amendment to Product Provider, Programs and Services Catalogue” (RNAPP) form to modify Product Provider Registration.

Employment and Financial Supports Division, Mobius Support Staff

If information is missing, refers back to originator.

If no information is missing, updates Product Provider Registration.

Notifies originator of completion via email.

If change in information affects IMAGIS (e.g., name/address/banking information), Mobius Support must update IMAGIS (F30 – Modify a Product Provider).

Business Rules/Criteria/Standards

Provider and Programs Registry System (PAPRS) data is downloaded nightly into Mobius, so basic information will be populated automatically. An exception report will be provided on a daily basis to Human Services for review and follow-up action. Programs and Sessions will be auto-activated or manually activated by Mobius Support.

Some information can only be changed by selecting “Edit” on the Product Provider Home Page screen while other information can be changed by going to the corresponding link or tab. When using a link or tab, best practice is to enter end date for the current information, then “Add” the new/updated information as opposed to revising the existing record. This way a historical record is maintained. (Edit could be used to correct an error.)