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Published Date: June 17, 2019
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Employment Insurance Business Processes


I05. Feepayer - LMTA UPDATE

An Alberta Works authorized official recommends an applicant be a Feepayer.
Alberta Works authorized officials do not have the authority to authorize part-time training.


Individuals who request consideration for continued regular Employment Insurance (EI) benefits while in training must apply through Alberta Works. An individual who is an active EI claimant must receive a recommendation from an authorized official to be eligible to continue to collect EI benefits while attending full-time training. This recommendation is made to Service Canada, which then approves the individual as a Feepayer. Barring any exceptional circumstances, the individual must receive the recommendation from an authorized official prior to commencing the training. As a Feepayer, the individual is responsible to pay for the costs of their training, including tuition, books and supplies. 

The individual:

  • is registered in Mobius and has an Integrated Case; and
  • has an Active, Regular EI claim (commences on or prior to the training start date). If the individual’s claim covers only part of the training, the individual may still receive a Feepayer recommendation if they can substantiate what source of funding they have to cover the cost for the remainder of the training period; and
  • has been accepted into a full-time approved or recognized training program; and
  • has an Assessment.

Initiate the Feepayer process when the individual:

  • is requesting to continue to receive EI benefits while attending a full-time, approved or recognized training program; and
  • has sufficient funds to cover his/her own costs of training (self-funded).


  1. Complete the Employment Insurance (EI) Verification process (see EI Verification Business Process).
  2. Enter Plan Item “Consider Feepayer Request (I)”
    1. Plan Item Category: select the appropriate Category according to the table below. The Category describes the type of training, including Language Instruction for Newcomers (LINC), recognized union courses and self-funded tuition in Skills Upgrading.

      Plan Item  


      Consider Feepayer Request (I) 



      Skills Upgrading 

      Union Course 

    2. Enter the Expected Start Date and End Date:
      1. Expected Start Date is the date when a request for consideration is made.
      2. Expected End Date is the date is when a decision (i.e. Approved, Not Approved or Incomplete) is made.
    3. Select “Eligibility Determined” from the drop-down list as the Expected Outcome. Save.
  3. Edit Plan Item (see Edit Plan Item in Mobius User Guide):
    1. The Actual Start Date is the date when a decision (i.e. Approved, Not Approved or Incomplete) is made. Use the same date for Actual End Date. An End Date is required to enable completion of this Plan Item in Mobius.
    2. Select “Approved” from the dropdown list for Outcome if Feepayer Request is approved (see Approve a Plan Item in Mobius User Guide). Save. OR
    3. Select “Not Approved” if Feepayer Request is not approved and Save. Document the rationale in the Notes section of the Service Plan Home Page. OR
    4. Select “Incomplete” if a decision could not be reached (i.e. insufficient information, no follow through by individual, etc.) and Save. Document the rationale in the Notes section of the Service Plan Home Page.
    5. Close the Plan Item.
  4. Complete the “Training Program Information (TPI) Cluster” on the LMDA Eligibility screen if the individual is deemed eligible for Feepayer status. DO NOT enter information in the TPI Cluster if the individual is deemed “ineligible”.
  5. Employment Insurance (EI) Benefits
    1. Ensure the EI Declaration/Consent section of the signature page, which is an addendum to the TESR from, is completed with the individual’s signature.  
    2. Review with the individual “How to Complete EI Reports” if the individual is an EI recipient. Inform the individual that any earnings received while in training must be declared on the EI report cards. Provide the individual with a copy of the instructions for active EI claimants (in Tools and Resources, Employment and Training section).