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Mobius User Guide

Published Date: May 15, 2013
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10 Assessments

Create an Assessment

Prerequisites to creating an assessment are:
  • Individual must be registered.
  • An Integrated Case with the individual as Primary Client must be open.

Anchor Point: Integrated Case Home Page

  1. In the Case Member section, select the name of the Primary Client.
  2. Select Assessments Tab.
  3. Select New.
  4. Select the type of assessment required.
  5. Enter all mandatory and required fields.
  6. To save the assessment with a status of:
    1. In Progress (for future editing), select Save.
    2. Complete (with no further editing), select Complete.

Service Needs Determination (SND) Assessments

Mandatory Fields

Select from the drop down menu.

Date Received
Defaults to current date and can be modified.

Assessment Date
Enter the actual date the assessment was conducted.

If entering information for another user:

  1. Search for the Assessor using the magnifying glass to add the Assessor’s name.
  2. Add first name and last name from the Search Criteria:
    1. Select Search, from the Search Results select the user’s name.

Entered By
This will default to the user who is logged into the system.

Contract Number
This must be entered if user is a Contracted Product Provider.

Reasons for Contact
Select from the drop down menu.

Identified Needs
Needs that are addressed in the Service Plan; a minimum of Primary is required.

Required Fields

Includes additional content of the assessment that reflects the individual’s circumstances, identified issues and possible resources.

Employability Assessments (EMP)

Mandatory Fields

Select from the drop down menu.

Date Received
Defaults to current date and can be modified.

Employment Goal
Using the magnifying glass, search for National Occupational Classification (NOC) Code by number or key word.

Reasons for Contact
Select from the drop down menu.

Identified Needs
Needs that are addressed in the Service Plan; a minimum of Primary is required.

Required Fields

Assessment Date
Enter the date the assessment was conducted.

If entering information for another user:

  1. Search for the Assessor using the magnifying glass to add the Assessor’s name.
  2. Add first name and last name from the Search Criteria:
    1. Select Search, from the Search Results, select the user’s name.

Entered By
This will default to the user who has logged into the system.

Contract Number
This must be entered if user is a Contracted Product Provider.

Sections A-G
Each section identifies Assessment Factors; select the correct ranking from the drop down menu.

  • Strength
    Factors that are a positive influence/driver for the individual in assisting them to achieve their career, work/life goal.
  • Satisfactory
    Circumstances meet requirements to move forward towards their employment goal.
  • Needs Development
    Factor negatively influences the ability of the individual to achieve their career, work/life goals.
  • Unknown
    Insufficient information about the factor to rank or the factor is not relevant to this goal.

Health Factors ranking:

  • Strength
    Factors that are a positive influence/driver for the individual in assisting them to achieve their career, work/life goal.
  • Requires Consideration
    Factors that could influence the ability of the individual to achieve their career, work/life goals.
  • Not Applicable
    Factors not to be considered.
  • Unknown
    Insufficient information about the factor to rank or the factor is not relevant to this goal.

Disability Information
Entered if an individual has a disability that may or may not impact their employability. To record disability information:

  1. Select the box.
  2. Select a primary disability from the drop down list.
  3. Indicate if it is permanent.
  4. Indicate if it is documented.
  5. If accommodations are required for the individual to be successful in education or employment, select the box.
  6. Notes are to be added to clarify any of the information in this section.

If not all information is available at the time of the initial interview, select Save to save the assessment with a status of In Progress.

Once Mandatory and Required fields have been entered, the following options are available:

  • Save
    This will save the information entered with a status of In Progress.  The assessment can be edited or completed at a later time.
  • Complete
    This will save the information entered with a status of Completed.  The assessment cannot be edited or reopened.
  • Cancel
    This will close the modal and none of the information entered will be saved.  The assessment will need to be created again.