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Published Date: May 06, 2022
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08 Supplementary Benefits

Delegated Authority for Issuing Supplementary Income Support Benefits


Income and Employment Supports Act, section 5(1)(b); Schedule, sections 1(i) and 10
Income Support, Training and Health Benefits Regulation, sections 1(2)(g) and 2(5); Schedule 4
Ministerial Order 2016-21 Delegation of Minister’s Authority to Directors/Staff
Ministerial Order 2022-007, Prenatal Needs Payment


To describe the delegated authority to issue supplementary income support benefits.


The authority to issue supplementary income support benefits has been delegated as follows:

Emergency Supplementary Benefits Legislation  Delegated Authority 
Emergency Accommodation ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 26  Up to one month: Career and Employment Consultant (CEC) or the Support and Financial Services Coordinator (SFSC) or equivalent.

Any additional time: Supervisor.

Emergency Child Care ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 16 CEC or SFSC.

Emergency Damage Deposit ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 26 CEC or SFSC.


Emergency Food ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 26  CEC or SFSC.
Emergency Rental Arrears ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 26  CEC or SFSC.
Other Emergency Goods and Services ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 26  Service Delivery Manager
Emergency Repairs to Principal Residence or to Major Appliance ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 26  CEC or SFSC.
Emergency Replacement Clothing ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 26  CEC or SFSC.
Emergency Transportation ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 6  CEC or SFSC.
Emergency Utility Arrears ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 26  CEC or SFSC.
Escaping Abuse Household Start-Up ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 14(b) CEC or SFSC. 
Escaping Abuse Damage Deposit ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 14(b)  CEC or SFSC.
Escaping Abuse Relocation Allowance ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 13(b)  CEC or SFSC.
Escaping Abuse Telephone and Transportation ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 20  CEC or SFSC.
Escaping Abuse Travel to Family Violence Shelter  ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 6  CEC or SFSC.


Supplementary Benefits Legislation Delegated Authority
Employment Training and Transition Supports ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 15 CEC or SFSC.
Transportation to Day or Employment Programs ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 15 CEC or SFSC.
Children’s School Expenses ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 19 CEC or SFSC.
Natal and Adoptive Needs Payment ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 17  CEC or SFSC.
Child Care Deposit and Registration fee ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 16  CEC or SFSC.
Community Living Start-Up Allowance ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 14(a) 

Leaving a Medical Institution: CEC or SFSC.

Leaving a Correctional Institution: Supervisor.

Relocation Allowance ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 13 CEC or SFSC.
Utility Connection, Deposit, Reconnection ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 23 CEC or SFSC.
Special Transportation and Travel Payment ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 6 CEC or SFSC.
Medical Extraordinary Transportation ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 6  CEC or SFSC.
Director Approval

ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 28

MO No. 2016-21

Regional Directors or their direct reports.*

Director Centrally Delivered Services or their direct reports.*

Funeral Benefits ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 25 See Funeral Benefits policy. 


Ongoing Supplementary Benefits  Legislation  Delegated Authority 
Additional Shelter ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 8 CEC or SFSC.
Isolated Community Allowance ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 9 CEC or SFSC.
Child Care  ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 16 CEC or SFSC.
Child Supplement Allowance ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 5  CEC or SFSC.
Special Diets ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 21 CEC or SFSC.
Medical and Surgical Supplies ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 27 See Medical and Surgical Supplies policy.* 
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 27 See CPAP policy.*
Handicap Benefit ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 2  CEC or SFSC.
Earnings Replacement Allowance ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 4 CEC or SFSC.
Personal Needs Allowance ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 3 CEC or SFSC.
Prenatal Needs Payment ISTHB Regulation Schedule 4, section 16.1 CEC or SFSC.

*Minister delegation, not subject to appeal.

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