» Income and Employment Supports Policy Manual


Published Date: January 01, 2019

2019-01-01 Canada Child Benefit Reports

Legislative references below may require updates as of January 1, 2019 in accordance with the passing of An Act to Combat Poverty and Fight for Albertans with Disabilities. The updates will be complete by March 31, 2019.

Income Support, Training and Health Benefits Regulation, Schedule 4, Section 1
Income Support, Training and Health Benefits Regulation, Schedule 4, Section 5
MO 2018-08 Child Supplement Allowance

Canada Child Benefit (CCB) Reports

Three reports are produced to ensure efficient and accurate administration of the Child Supplement Allowance process.

SCCP3550-1 Change to CCB Payments for Active Income Support Clients Report

On the 15th of each month, this report is printed by the Site Contact at each Alberta Works/Alberta Supports Service Centre. The report is organized by Office/Unit/Caseload and sorted alphabetically by client surname and given name.

Current CCB payment information for the previous month is retrieved from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). When the CCB payment amount has changed for an active IS client, the client’s name will appear on this report. Income Support files with no changes to the CCB payment amount for the previous month, do not appear on the report.

Workers must review the report and the client file information to ensure the household is receiving benefits to which they are entitled, to follow up on lump sum payments received and to prevent possible overpayments.

The report reflects three changes to the CCB amount:

  • CCB payment has stopped (value is “0”) due to:
    • Income Tax not filed, or
    • Other change in circumstances (e.g. address unknown)
  • CCB payment has increased due to:
    • Change in family composition or marital status, or
    • Re-assessment of client’s income, or
    • Retroactive payment received by client
  • CCB payment has decreased due to:
    • Change in family composition or marital status, or
    • Re-assessment of client’s income.

The report contains the following information:

  • SIN number, and
  • Active Income Support file, and
  • Whether the client is HH or SP, and
  • CCB payment month, and
  • CCB payment amount


Once the report is received, the worker reviews the information and takes the appropriate action prior to the release of the next month’s benefits.

The worker reviews the file and LISA budget and if:

A. The CCB has stopped (value is ‘0’) or is not at the maximum, the worker:

  1. Submits the Canada Child Benefit Verification form to the Help Desk.
  2. Reviews circumstances with the client and advises the client to contact CRA to clarify circumstances and take appropriate action if required.
  3. Issues replacement benefits under need code 1738 Child Supplement Allowance if applicable.


B. The monthly CCB amount issued is $205 per dependent child (or greater), the worker:

  1. Removes need code 1738 Child Supplement Allowance from the IS budget in LISA.

Due to Income Tax returns not being filed, a significant number of ‘0’ payments appear on the report, in August of each year. In July of every calendar year, the CRA recalculates CCB eligibility for all families based on declared income from the previous taxation year. If a tax return has not been filed, the CRA stops CCB payments for the month of July.


The SCCP3550-1 Change to CCB Payments for Active Income Support Clients Report must not be photocopied, retained or placed on the client’s file.

When the appropriate action has been completed, the report must be destroyed in a confidential manner to comply with Alberta’s Memorandum of Understanding with the CRA.

Federal Requests Not Matched Report (Reviewed by the Help Desk)

Identifies client information on LISA/CCD which does not match client information on the CRA file.

The Help Desk forwards a memo to the IS Worker identifying the information that did not match and that requires action. This information may include one or more of the following:

  • SIN (e.g., not found or invalid)
  • Surname
  • Given Name
  • Birthdate

The IS Worker takes any necessary action as soon as possible and returns the memo to the Help Desk once the required task is complete.

Duplicate SIN Report (Reviewed by the Help Desk)

Identifies clients where the SIN number on CCD/LISA does not match CRA information.

The Help Desk forwards a memo to the appropriate IS Worker if the file requires review.

The IS Worker takes any necessary action as soon as possible and returns the memo to the Help Desk once the required task is complete.

